Steps to Transferring
In this Section
Steps to Transferring to a Four-Year College or University
While the transfer process is different for each student, the single most important factor is the same for everyone: you must take responsibility for every step of the process. The circumstances for each transfer student are different, and every college and university has its own policies concerning transfer admissions. We are here to help!
Important Elements of a Transfer Plan
- Meet with your advisor to create a course plan
- Participate in transfer awareness opportunities at 推荐正规买球平台, including:
- Visits from university representatives who come to campus to answer questions.
- Transfer Week (October), featuring workshops, information tables, games, and prizes.
- University Transfer Day (November), where representatives from more than 20 institutions provide information. Students can attend to ask questions about transferring and the programs these schools offer.
- Choose a field of study. Explore opportunities for taking classes that you find interesting in order to find out what areas/specialties interest you. Your advisor can assist you with course recommendations. Our Career Center can also help you identify exciting career opportunities to explore.
- Research colleges and universities. 推荐正规买球平台 has specialized agreements with NC State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNCW, East Carolina University, Campbell University, Methodist University, and Appalachian State University. Research these agreements to learn more and see how they might be beneficial to you.
- Decide when you plan to transfer and create a task list. It is important to know deadlines (ex. submitting application, applying for financial aid, etc.).
- Communicate with your 推荐正规买球平台 advisor and the one at your transfer institution.
Key Questions to Consider in Selecting a Transfer College or University:
- Does the institution offer the program(s) that I'm interested in?
- What are the minimum transfer requirements?
- Does the institution offer scholarships or other financial aid packages?
- What specific classes should I take at Central Carolina Community College to get the most transfer credit? Learn more about requirements for particular programs.
Visit Potential Transfer Institution Websites And Explore:
- Program(s) of study
- Admission requirements for a transfer student
- Required courses for all programs
- General education requirements for the university
- Tuition and fees
- Financial aid
- Transfer student resources
Learn More About Requirements For Specific Programs:
NC Community College Transfer Students
How to Transfer Successfully
1st Semester
Up to 15 credits
- Attend a new student orientation
- Meet with advisor
- Use available resources
2nd Semester
15-30 credits
- Gather information: check out potential college websites
- Attend college fairs when available
- Continue to communicate with advisor
3rd Semester
30-50 credits
- Contact admission advisors at your potential college/university
- Visit potential college
- Submit application for admission
- Contact the school's financial aid office
4th Semester
60-64 credits
- Contact potential college
- Has application/transcript been received?
- Does financial aid have all the required documentation?
- Submit Graduation Application to 推荐正规买球平台